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The Royal Bank of Scotland

The Royal Bank of Scotland advert generally uses eye-level camera shots to bring the characters closer to the audience and reinforce the idea of an everyday life situation. The Royal Bank of Scotland advert also uses mid-distance shots and frequent rapid cutting which increases the pace of the advert. In the opening shots, the camera is deliberately out of focus, so as to represent a "waking up" sequence and to introduce the advert to the audience. The Sandals advert uses a wide variety of camera angles to portray its scenery and characters.

It uses extra-long-shots and long shots to portray the scenery and medium shots for underwater and action scenes. When portraying the scenery, the camera generally pans from left to right to capture the whole view, while although the camera cuts between different shots frequently, the cuts are smooth and gradually faded in and out. The advert uses these camera angles and smooth cuts to show the scenery at it s best and draw full audience attention to the scenery. The pace and editing of the Royal Bank of Scotland advert is a medium paced style that uses editing to show the progression through the day.

The significance of the pace and editing is that it represents the speed of modern day life and the sense of normality created by the editing. In the Sandals advert, the pace is much slower than the Royal Bank of Scotland advert. This is created by using smooth fading cuts between shots and the slow, relaxed pace of the camera movements. This slow pace in the advert, represents the slow pace at a Sandals resort, whilst the smooth editing creates a sense of luxury.

However, in the action and underwater shots, the pace increases to show the contrast between the action and relaxation at a Sandals resort. The pace and editing is very important in both advertisements, as it helps to demonstrate the benefits and lifestyles the products are associated with. The overall presentation of the "R-21" product is that the advert mainly focuses on the product and the lifestyle and benefits of owning an "R-21" account. The advert implies a normal young adult lifestyle, centred on the target age group of 16-21 years old.

The audience realises what is being advertised after about 5 seconds into the advert, therefore they are able to easily associate the product with what is going on in the advert. The overall presentation of the Sandals advert is quite different to the Royal Bank of Scotland advert. It contains much more detail of the setting of the resorts and of the benefits of a Sandals holiday, than on the characters and features of the resort. The advert implies a luxury lifestyle that is centred on the 30-40 year old target age group.

The audience realises what is being advertised about halfway through the advert, as the first half mainly concentrates on the setting and on capturing the audience's interest, before it introduces the name of the product. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Sandals adverts are very different in many ways and target very different age groups, making these two adverts difficult to compare. The Royal Bank of Scotland advert focuses on the portrayal of its characters and uses pale, pastel colours and bright lighting, whilst the Sandals advert focuses on its setting and the uses of rich, Caribbean colours and lighting effects.

The Royal Bank of Scotland advert uses music and a voice over to good effect, whilst the significance of the voice over in the Sandals advert is less because of the words and logos on screen. The Royal Bank of Scotland advert also uses medium-paced cutting to impose a sense of normality, while the Sandals advert uses slower, smoother editing to create a luxurious feel. In my opinion, the most effective advert at selling the advertised product is the Sandals advert. This is because they have used bright; Caribbean colours to advertise their product in January, when the weather is likely to be dull and dark.

These colours contrast with each other and together with the sense of luxury created by the camera speed, editing and voice over makes a very effective advert for that or indeed any time of year. The Royal Bank of Scotland advert, despite displaying the right image of the "R-21" account and using a story line that many in the target age group can relate to, is not as effective as the Sandals advert because it portrays the product as being "too normal" and tries to blend in with everyday life.

The Sandals advert avoids becoming "too tacky" by limiting the amount of words and print on screen. It also uses stereotyped characters to decrease the "luxurious" effect presented on screen to present the product as an affordable and normal one. In conclusion, it is evident that Britain as a society is very consumer based and prefers to spend money on well marketed products that may appear different to the competition in some way. Advertising on television is therefore a powerful means of communicating with an audience at any time of the year.

From these adverts, we can learn that our society has high expectations of advertisements and expects to be entertained and not just given the basic facts. We can also learn that we are gullible and can be persuaded to buy things we don't need, that we are also materialistic and a society of consumers and believe that family values matter. The Royal Bank of Scotland advert in particular suggests that young people have more disposable income than they did in the past. However, these adverts also teach us that people may feel pressurised to spend money and that there is an emphasis on the need or desire for goods.
